You have a 100% guarantee of bulk material flow
We are the only ones in the Czech Republic to test the technology directly in your real operation
You will never again interrupt operation due to clogged storage bin nozzles
We will save you millions for unnecessary downtime, that regularly hinders your line or your entire production.
Whether you have coal, lignite, cement, lime, bran, crushed stone, fly ash, washing powder, kaolin, gypsum or compound feed.
We have already solved the smooth flow of bulk materials to the following companies:
Over the past 22 years, we have been dealing with over 350 different projects in the Czech Republic and abroad. And it always starts the same way: battered storage bin, sad looks, idle line.
The more we love that feeling when we shake hands over the restored operation.
Jan & Břetislav Moša
We have a European patent for a unique nozzle design
This is another result of our innovations: under number 3286108, we own a patent for a special design of our pulse nozzles.
We have implemented the patent as part of the Industrial Property Rights Project – MOSA Solution s.r.o.
It is co-financed from the Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness OP – from EU and European Regional Development Fund resources.